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Conservation Minutes, May 10, 2011

Called to Order at 7:30 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   Philip R. Lindquist, Chairman  
   Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman      
   John Kemmett, Clerk
                          David Harris, Member
                           Phil Clemons, Associate Member
Absent:            John Murray, Member
Also Present:              Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         
                           Richard Vacca, Agent


Motion to approve minutes of March 22, 2011:  David Harris
Second:  Frank Schellenger
Vote:  4-0-0

Motion to approve minutes of April 12, 2011:  David Harris
Second:  John Kemmett
Vote:  3-0-1  (Frank Schellenger abstained)

Public Hearings

7:30 PM  Request for an Amendment to an Order of Conditions for the conversion of an existing tight tank to a more conventional system at 81 Ocean Ave., Map 2, Lot 1501 for Kevin Smith and Susan Sanders (DEP #SE175-0591)

John Kemmett read the Public Hearing Notice and the abutters were verified.  Joseph Webby of Webby Engineering Assoc., Inc. made the presentation.  Mr. Webby submitted revised plans dated 5/9/11 in response to comments from Mr. Vacca.  The plan depicted the removal of a 2500 gal. tight tank and replacement with a conventional 1500 gal. septic tank and leaching field.  The proposal falls within 50 ft. from the edge of Monponsett Pond and within 50 ft. of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland across the street.  Mr. Vacca said the Mr. Smith had submitted a request for variance, but suggested that the hearing be continued until the Board of Health renders their decision later tonight.  No abutters were present.  

        Motion to continue until 8:15 PM pending BOH decision:  John Kemmett
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  4-0-0


7:45 PM  Appointment with Brian Moore of CarriageHouse Consulting, Inc., to discuss the potential of more field work at Super Petroleum Gas Station, 507 Monponsett Street  (DEP #SE175-0589)   

Mr. Brian Moore updated and informed the Commission that everything included in the original Order of Conditions had been completed.  Still, the installation of an additional monitoring well on Baker Street and one further down on Monponsett Street are now required.  The proposed wells are outside the buffer zone (bz).  However, an area of soil located within the 100’ bz between the existing tank fields and the building must be excavated for accessibility because DEP policy requires this if a project meets a basic criteria.   Extra erosion control had been stockpiled and will be extended approximately 40’.  Mr. Moore’s questioned the Commission as to whether he needed refile?

        Motion to approve the change as a “Minor Correction”:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  4-0-0


Community Preservation Committee Representative Report

Mr. Kemmett reported that the process for the Nathaniel Thomas Mill sign was progressing and the CPC plans to vote on the design at their next meeting.  Mr. Vacca informed the Commission that at Mr. Lindquist’s request, he had prepared a map depicting the Mill property and the dimensions of the infrastructure, including the sidewalk, grass strip, paved area, utility poles and catch basins.  Originally, the plan was to locate the sign in the middle of the grass strip perpendicular to Liberty Street.  However, after he researched the different permitting requirements, he had learned that there is a 20’ setback from the edge of the street in Residence B.
 He and Mr. Kemmett had subsequently discussed different location options in that putting the sign near the street would require a variance from the ZBA.  Moving it back into the paved area would not require a variance, but would eliminate parking spaces.  Mr. Vacca suggested that if the sign ends up in the paved area, perhaps the area be landscaped as a stormwater management structure, such as a rain garden, rather than having a raised bed.  This would help prevent runoff from reaching the adjacent resource area.
 Mr. Lindquist was of the opinion that because it was an “informational” sign, ideally it should be located close to the street for the most visibility.  Mr. Clemons pointed out the pros and cons of both scenarios.  Putting the sign close to the street would save two or three parking spaces and would be easier for the snow plow.  However, the parking lot should be considered for the stormwater management aspect and would also save the step of going to the Appeals Board.

Motion to pursue a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  David Harris
        Vote:  4-0-0

8:15 PM Continued Public Hearing for a Request for an Amendment to an Order of Conditions

Mr. Webby returned to the meeting and informed the Commission that the Board of Health had granted only seven variances out of eight requests at 81 Ocean Avenue for Kevin Smith and Susan Sanders.  Therefore the plan has to be revised to depict a 10-foot separation between his and the abutters septic system and re-submitted to DEP for approval.  Mr. Harris asked if there was a dewatering plan.  Mr. Vacca replied that it is a standard condition in the Order of Conditions.

        Motion to continue the hearing until July 12th at 7:30 PM:  David Harris
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  4-0-0

Old Business/New Business

Clipper Press/bill – signed
WB Mason/bill – signed

Request for a Certificate of Compliance for 95 Union Park St., Map 2, Lot 358 & 361 (DEP #SE175-0586)  
Mr. Vacca reported that the site was fully stabilized with grass growing and conservation posts installed.  The Certificate would close out a Partial Certificate that was issued on 12/15/10.

        Motion to approve and issue a full Certificate of Compliance: David Harris
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote: 4-0-0

Draft Conservation Management Plan for Landscaping and Vegetation Control at Nathaniel Thomas Mill    
Mr. Clemons had drafted a management plan for the Mill (dated 5/10/11) as a result of a discussion initiated at the stakeholder’s meeting on 4/13/11 and presented it to the Commission for comment.   The Plan focused on Phase I, Landscaping and Vegetation Management and was, Mr. Clemons said, an appropriate place to begin.  It spelled out the vision of the Commission, expressly the creation of a Bicentennial Park and attractive lawn areas after taking inventory of non-native species and pruning of invasives/trees/shrubs.  Mr. Clemons had proposed a timeline for specific tasks spanning from Spring/Summer 2011 to late 2012 and beyond.  
        Mr. Vacca commented that we need to take stock of exactly what needs to be done and suggested that the work be performed under a Blanket Permit with supervision.  
775 W. Washington Street – enforcement issue
Mr. Vacca informed the Commission that most of the land-use staff is involved with an issue at 775 W. Washington Street that revolve around complaints from abutters.  The abutters also alerted the DEP and the EPA as to the goings on, which according to the Board of Appeals, is a wood chipping operation.  In response, Mr. Vacca had conducted a perimeter walk with the

owner and found no Conservation violations.  They have stockpiles of woodchips within jurisdiction, but no earth moving activity is taking place, therefore no filing is required.  Mr. Ed Burke from the DEP inspected last week and Mr. Vacca is waiting to hear from him.  

Cam Hanlon, volunteer, needs project
Mr. Lindquist will contact Cam to set up a meeting either this Saturday or Sunday to establish the bounds at The Webster-Billings Conservation Area using the office’s GPS system.  

Letter from MACC
Mr. Lindquist read a letter into the record (attached) regarding a press release announcing that Mr. John Murray had completed the Fundamental Training classes and received a Certificate of Achievement. The goal of the eight unit course is to provide basic knowledge and practical tools necessary to carry out the administration of the Wetlands Protection Act and the duties of open space planning.  Mr. Lindquist thanked Mr. Murray for his dedication to the Commission and the residents of Hanson.


        Motion to adjourn at 8:45 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  5-0-0